klipper reports startup

Hi there, I have updated my printer and since than, I cannot get past then blue anouncement that the klipper is in startup, try later. Sometimes it says cannot connect to MCU. I have restarted the printer and control board several time. I am running RPI and SKR V1.2, I might have accicentally pressed the reset button on it. Anyone experienced something similar? Any help is appreciated
29 Replies
Updated from what version to what version?
Kuba Šinták
Kuba Šinták3mo ago
Gonna look it up, if it hepls, I have last update about 7-5 day ago and than few hours back
Is it the skr PRO 1.2? If you are running Rat-OS 2.x you can use the configurator to try and flash the board again
Kuba Šinták
Kuba Šinták3mo ago
sadly. I have ratos 1.2.44 flasing time flashed newest ratos a brought it up to date, but I am still unable to connect to the SKR pro v1.2, replaced the cable connecting the RPI to the board, still nothing. several times to reupload firmware but still nothing. when i plug in the SKR and BL touch, it performs the basic operation of running the touch sensor. Honestly I have no clue where the problem is
miklschmidt3mo ago
RatOS v1.2 support was discontinued a year ago.
Kuba Šinták
Kuba Šinták3mo ago
i have flashed 2.02
miklschmidt3mo ago
Excellent, are you back up and running?
Kuba Šinták
Kuba Šinták3mo ago
still nope, the problem is still the same, during the installation the RPI is unable to "see" the SKR
miklschmidt3mo ago
I don't know how i missed that entire block of text, sorry 😂 So you've tried to flash the board via the configurator, and then what happens?
Kuba Šinták
Kuba Šinták3mo ago
during the step "control board flashing", moonraker is green, klipper is either yellow, black or red. And I am unable to check board status the homepage of the program load, so I guess the prblem is somewhere on the control board
Kuba Šinták
Kuba Šinták3mo ago
No description
Kuba Šinták
Kuba Šinták3mo ago
No description
Kuba Šinták
Kuba Šinták3mo ago
I have compiled th firmware and copied it on the micro SD which is in the SKR
miklschmidt3mo ago
And formatted it according to the step 2 on the firmware flashing page in the configurator? copied the file to firmware.bin on the sd card, inserted it into the skr pro and rebooted the board (ie. click reset or remove power, then power it back on?) And if you take the sd card back out, did the firmware.bin change to firmware.cur on the sd card?
Kuba Šinták
Kuba Šinták3mo ago
I have to check It still .bin Seems like we found the problem😭
miklschmidt3mo ago
Flashing boards via sd card can be a finicky process unfortunately, make sure you carefully follow the steps laid out on the page you posted a screenshot of. An additional tip is to enable viewing hidden files and check there's not all sorts of crap put onto the sd card by the OS. Delete anything that's not firmware.bin or .cur.
Kuba Šinták
Kuba Šinták3mo ago
Ok, thanks alot, i will try unplugging the screw-held wires like bed heating from the SKR and look through the files. My main worry was that the SKR is fried somehow
miklschmidt3mo ago
I don't think it's fried, it's just being a drama queen and needs special attention 😂
Kuba Šinták
Kuba Šinták3mo ago
As ever🤣 so, I have purged all files on the SD, plugged it into the SKR, but the file just wont change to the .cur file. I have disconnected everything except power from the board, tried reset button and the on and off process. any ideas? When I plug the SD, the green light that should be blinking just shines…
miklschmidt3mo ago
😬. Try other sd cards?
Kuba Šinták
Kuba Šinták3mo ago
Tried 3 of them🤣 Still the green light wont start blinking
miklschmidt3mo ago
Formatted with FAT16?
Kuba Šinták
Kuba Šinták3mo ago
Fat 32, I can try 16 still nothing, seems really like the board is gone
miklschmidt3mo ago
You didn't really follow the steps then, did you? Because there's more to it than that
miklschmidt3mo ago
No description
miklschmidt3mo ago
Everything in those steps is important
Kuba Šinták
Kuba Šinták3mo ago
Right after that is FAT32 possible. I tried both FAT16 and 32 with both 4 and 8kb Still nothing Will try one more time FAT16, but I dont think ut will change anything Still no changes, I will borrow SKR 1.2 identical to mine from a friend tomorrow and see how will that go
miklschmidt3mo ago
fair enough, that sucks You could try connecting via SSH and checking if there's any usb connection at all
ssh pi@ratos.local
ssh pi@ratos.local
Kuba Šinták
Kuba Šinták3mo ago
Yeah, I just really cant see how I have managed to fry it. Maybe I have somehow screwed up booting firmware. It is funny since the only thing I did was to change BL touch and update the firmware🤣🤣 Thanks, I can try that. But it is as if the board would not register the SD card insterted. The blue indicagor for inserted card flicks on, but the green indicator stays the same and wont flash new firmware