
Account has error under section 7

i just got my account recovered from support and i installed and launched the game but i am getting an error under section 7.
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22 Replies
jidat3mo ago
Contact support again Ur account is banned
Dan3mo ago
i did the person said that there is no suspension on my account
jidat3mo ago
Show them that error
Dan3mo ago
done that too.
jidat3mo ago
Was ur pc hwid banned anytime?
Dan3mo ago
ages ago on a different account like say last year start anyother ways to fix this?
Joy3mo ago
I have the same problem too man I have no idea what happened
Dan3mo ago
ah man i just finally wanted to play the game again
Dan3mo ago
i havent even played the game yet and it says this
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jidat3mo ago
Can u play with a different account?
Dan3mo ago
bro i havent even seen the loading screen and all of a sudden my account is permanently banned!!!!!
jidat3mo ago
Yeah thought so Contact support again
Dan3mo ago
jidat3mo ago
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
Dan3mo ago
ahhh been on support for like a month now bruh
jidat3mo ago
Ask them about the ban The people here can't do anything about a ban
Dan3mo ago
yes on it thanks dude did you randomly get perma banned aswell?
Joy3mo ago
yessir was just chilling with my wife in lobby and i got hit with section 7 and the servers was crap all day long with packet loss and everything so i hope its on their end
Dan3mo ago
ah still no response for me bruh. i literally had someone else playing on my account for a month and now i get my account back and its like this bruh
NovikTF3mo ago
The same thing happened to me yesterday, although I might know why. So I was playing a game and all of a sudden my dad called me for help, I wanted to finish the game but he refused, so I came up with an idea to start an autoclicker that will click the left mouse button so I dont get afk banned, but it didnt work in game, so I just placed an object on "a" key on the keyboard and my character was moving in the game. I went to help my dad, and came back after like 2 hours, to see the screen informing me that I am banned. Its a HWID ban so I cant even play on a different account. After looking at some threads on the internet I found out that using "OP autoclicker" even for a second, will most likely get you banned, because the riot anticheat detects it as a third party app. I did write a support ticket, but I forgot to include the part about the auto clicker. because I have wrote it, befere even thinking about the fact, that I have used it. I would never think, that an autoclicker can get you banned forever. I hope that somehow I can get my account and HWID ban recovered. I hope the same for You.❤️
Dan3mo ago
yh since u did use 3rd party apps i doubt it will work. but im confused on the fact that i just proved to riot earlier that my account was stolen and i got it back earlier. they told me that there arent any suspentions on my account but it is showing me i am permanently banned