Subscription to server status

I'm developing a customised browser in QT6 for SignalK Server (if you are curious, this is the github: How is possible to know if the server has been restarted? Basically, if an admin restart the Signal K Server, I should restart my browser as well to update, for example, the application list.
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3 Replies
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki2mo ago
The admin ui simply reloads upon websocket reconnection, for the same use case ”the server may have restarted and ws disconnect was causes by that” Another more definite method would be subscribing to server events and keep track of uptime property. That is not foolproof: - your app is connected and sees uptime of 1 hour - you take the device off the boat - server is restarted - the device comes back onboard and sees an uptime of 3 hours
mshulman2mo ago
@Raffaele Montella what features does your QT6 browser offer? I don't see a list of features in your repo's readme.
Raffaele Montella
@mshulman FairWindSK is still in development, I hope to find time to improve the readme file on github as soon as possible. In short: it mimics the MFD typical user interface enabling the user browsing the Signal K apps and run it on separate persistent pages. It has been designed to run full screen showing on the top bar navigation data if and when available. FairWindSK automatically detects Signal K web apps using their icons if available. Icons can be themed providing alternative ones to fit the vessel style. More web apps (intranet/internet) can be manually configured. Probably I’ll add the support to native applications (like OpenCPN) in the future. Basically it is a Launcher.