How would I go about setting up CloudFlare R1 as a storage server?

I'm wondering how I could do this as currently my project just saves files to its own ephemeral storage and then serves those files to users to view online but I'm wondering how I could do this with cloudflare r1 which was recommended to me from here.
use an S3 SDK to upload files to R2 and then return a signed URL to your users so they can download the files
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6 Replies
Percy2mo ago
Project ID: N/A
loyahdev2mo ago
N/A By what I mean when saying serving those files to users to view online is I ahve an endpoint and a wildcard for the filename which it will then serve that files depending on there file name
Brody2mo ago
use an S3 SDK to upload files to R2 and then return a signed URL to your users so they can download the files
Brody2mo ago
but I would recommend watching some videos on this subject, because unfortunately we aren't able to offer coding help here, these help threads are intended for platform help
loyahdev2mo ago
oh okay thanks
loyahdev2mo ago
Just updating on this I was able to get it working perfectly and it’s prices are amazing thank you I had to use a few workers routes but it worked in the end