please help me on convincing my manager to choose react native over flutter:)

Hi, so the current application is Windows app written with VisualBasic and it is ERP/MRP(material requirements planning) application (similar to SAP or JDE). It needs to be now cross platform - desktop, mobile, maybe web too. I am trying to push Electron+ReactNative. Please help me to have strong points against using flutter... Thanks everyone:)
8 Replies
Styly2mo ago
t3 expo
terlan88922mo ago
fl0w2mo ago
because no one is answering... here is what ChatGPT thinks: Sure, here are some strong points against using Flutter for your ERP/MRP application: Performance: Flutter relies on its own rendering engine, which might not be as optimized as native rendering engines. In contrast, Electron leverages the native rendering capabilities of each platform it supports, potentially providing better performance, especially for resource-intensive applications like ERP/MRP. Platform-Specific UI/UX: Flutter's UI components might not perfectly mimic the native look and feel of each platform, which could lead to a less intuitive user experience. Electron, on the other hand, allows you to build truly native UIs for each platform, ensuring that users feel comfortable and familiar with the application interface. Integration with Native Code: Flutter's support for integrating with existing native codebases might not be as seamless or robust as Electron's ability to incorporate native modules and libraries directly. This could be crucial for accessing platform-specific functionalities or integrating with legacy systems. Desktop Support: While Flutter is primarily focused on mobile development, Electron provides robust support for building desktop applications. If you need to target desktop platforms alongside mobile, Electron might offer a more comprehensive solution without the need for additional tools or frameworks. Community and Ecosystem: Electron has a mature and vibrant community with extensive documentation, libraries, and resources available to support development. Flutter's ecosystem is rapidly growing, but it might not yet offer the same level of maturity and depth, especially for enterprise-level applications like ERP/MRP. Long-Term Maintenance: Choosing Electron allows you to leverage existing skills and technologies, such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, which are widely used and supported. Flutter, being a relatively newer framework, might introduce additional learning curves and maintenance challenges over the long term. Web Support: While Flutter for web is improving, it might not yet be as robust or feature-complete as traditional web development frameworks like React or Angular. Electron allows you to easily package and deploy your application as a web app alongside desktop and mobile versions, providing flexibility and compatibility across platforms. By considering these points, you can make a more informed decision about the best technology stack for your ERP/MRP application.
Liam Idrovo
Liam Idrovo2mo ago
@terlan8892 Well why does your manager want to use Flutter? If you know that then you can make counterpoints as to why React Native could be better
mag2mo ago
just get him to download the expo app on the phone and show him the live build as you work on it
terlan88922mo ago
nothing spesific, just because you can build mobile and desktop app with flutter.
Muescha2mo ago
if he has no specific for flutter, convinience him to make a small POC (proof of concept) in flutter, RN and Kotlin Multiplatform. Then the developer team can make a matrix of requirements and can note which framework fits the best to each requirement. then you all as team can make a decision based on the facts
noblica2mo ago
Managers don't really care about anything except delivery. All you need to do is convince them that building in React Native will get you to your goal faster and safer than building in Flutter. If you have experience in React Native (or at least React), you can leverage that as well. Having experience with the stack means you will build in it faster. You can also look at Theo's videos on Flutter, and use those arguments. But unless your manager is also a coder, I don't think they will care that much.
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