Best recording software

What's the best software for recording highlights of valorant which doesn't take that much of space in Ur drive and doesn't affect my game performance
5 Replies
Irl angel.
Irl angel.2mo ago
They all take space in your drive, the recordings go into your storage. People heavily recommend medal, I don't use softwares to record anymore but it's recommended by many people.
bingus 3000
bingus 30002mo ago
nvidia shadowplay if u have a nvidia gpu also yeah the amount of space can change based on the quality and length of clips most software allow u to choose both tho
spookyalex2mo ago
there's a new one called Nvidia App, it's still in beta tho but I like it
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight2mo ago
But I got AMD GPU So how do u record then??
Irl angel.
Irl angel.2mo ago
I don't record, I stream using OBS. Medal is your go to usually for clipping though. No matter what, it always will have some type of impact on your storage or performance, you can't really help that. Depending on your hardware, you can use different apps/softwares for recording. If you are low end, it's best not to record for maximum performance. I'm saying this as someone who was low end for years.