Static files throwing exception

For some reason my static flags are throwing an exception in production on CF pages. I am using SvelteKit.
"outcome": "exception",
"scriptName": "pages-worker--2288760-production",
"diagnosticsChannelEvents": [],
"exceptions": [
"stack": " at Object.fetch (functionsWorker-0.8194340513801277.js:67834:30)",
"name": "Error",
"message": "internal error",
"timestamp": 1712694116318
"outcome": "exception",
"scriptName": "pages-worker--2288760-production",
"diagnosticsChannelEvents": [],
"exceptions": [
"stack": " at Object.fetch (functionsWorker-0.8194340513801277.js:67834:30)",
"name": "Error",
"message": "internal error",
"timestamp": 1712694116318
These flags are in my static folder and work fine on dev.
6 Replies
Walshy3mo ago
Do you have smart placement enabled?
1nf3mo ago
I just turned it on
Walshy3mo ago
before this issue?
1nf3mo ago
this was the first deploy after I turned it on it's now sorted itself out I should have realised it was that
Walshy3mo ago
tailing with smart placement breaks if you do an env.ASSETS.fetch, we were just discussing this internally today.
1nf3mo ago
yeah, for a solid 10 or so minutes after a deploy the entire site is broken I'm getting 404s on half my scripts too