how change builder project

how change builder project from nixpacks to heroku buildpacks
28 Replies
Percy2mo ago
Project ID: 3d90f8ed-19cd-4e9f-bddc-359df5318b5a
Dilshod Abdulloev
3d90f8ed-19cd-4e9f-bddc-359df5318b5a i have a project on git hub which wrote on next, nestjs and vue when i deploy it i take the error. why?
Brody2mo ago
heroku buildpacks has not been supported for quite some time now
Dilshod Abdulloev
ok. then how i can fix my problem with deploy
Brody2mo ago
going forward please use this - well what app do you want to deploy? set the applicable root directory in the service settings
Dilshod Abdulloev
i need to deploy every service separately?
Brody2mo ago
yes of course
Dilshod Abdulloev
how i can if the project iin git hub? oh i found it
Brody2mo ago
as just mentioned, set the applicable root directory in the service settings
Dilshod Abdulloev
Dilshod Abdulloev
what the problem? is it?
No description
Dilshod Abdulloev
locally it works
Brody2mo ago
please use the bookmarklet that I linked above
Dilshod Abdulloev
sorry are you now how deploy vue project? it give errors and tells that there is no start command and it really it is. what i should do?
Brody2mo ago
what kind of vue project? Vue + Vite?
Dilshod Abdulloev
Brody2mo ago copy the nixpacks.toml and Caddyfile from this repo into your vue project. if you have any custom build or start commands set on the service, you must remove them.
Dilshod Abdulloev
thanks i need to git clone to the project directory?
Brody2mo ago
no, as mentioned, copy the two files
Dilshod Abdulloev
oh ok sorry i didn’t see it sorry where is bookmarks bar?
Brody2mo ago
in your browser
Dilshod Abdulloev
this give me this file what i should do?
Brody2mo ago
is this for the client or the server?
Dilshod Abdulloev
Brody2mo ago
please make sure that the files and folders in GitHub have the same casing as they do locally
Dilshod Abdulloev
i found error. the problem is There is no difference in NESTJS file names, that is, they are called with a capital letter or with a small letter. but here it is.
Brody2mo ago
that is the issue I just spoke of