Mirror Bug with the 3D printing Brush

On Quest standalone when you 're on the opening screen and environment and use the mirror and 3d printing brush it changes the 3D skybox to a bright background and the brush strokes are semi transparent to full transparency depending on the angle at which you view the sketch. Sometimes when you disable the mirror, the skybox goes back to normal.
4 Replies
andybak4mo ago
Yeah. I've noticed this and keep meaning to look into it. I almost considered excluding this brush as too buggy but didn't in the end.
Zandy4mo ago
Seems like once the mirror is on (incl multi) it has triggered a lot of bugs along the way.
andybak4mo ago
This happens without the mirror as far as I recall? I didn't read your report properly initially! I've noticed this bug even in a clean start and doing nothing except painting.
Zandy4mo ago
No just with mirror. Didn’t try multi with this particular bug. Wasn’t happening without the mirror. You can see it in the vid