Email exist verification

does anyone knows a way to verify if an email exists? like is there such a package or services with API provided? lots of package i found but not really being maintained anymore since years ago πŸ™
Netoβ€’13d ago
to verify, you need to send the email and let the user redirect back and you have stuff like email redirect, so sending to can lead to somewhere else
Aguilarβ€’13d ago
ahh, i see cuz what i'm doing is setting a newsletter for people to sign up with mailchimp using mailchimp api
JulieCezarβ€’13d ago
there are paid services like
Stop emails bouncing | Fast, safe email checking | CORE | Email Hippo
Experience secure, easy email list cleaning. Check up to 500,000 unique email addresses as self-serve, or larger files. No charge for checking duplicates.
JulieCezarβ€’13d ago
however, if you need it for a newsletter, the most sure way to know if a user actually has that emails is what @nyx said
Aguilarβ€’13d ago
ooh interesting
JulieCezarβ€’13d ago
e.g. you can have an email with a Button which links something like: and on that api endpoint verify the token and save the user data to db or call mailchimp api, w/e you need
Aguilarβ€’13d ago
hmm i think i got what i need now thanks @JulieCezar @nyx (Rustular DevRel) πŸ”₯
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