Is Theo's new tutorial any good for a Vue Dev?

Truth be told I have never touched React or any .tsx before. However I have been doing vue for the last 5 years or so. So yeah should I look into other things first or just jump in the deep end with the video?
If you know enough Javascript, look into to learn the basic hooks and get to know that "mental model". In less than two days, you should be ready for Theo's tutorial IMO...
Gus14d ago
If you know enough Javascript, look into to learn the basic hooks and get to know that "mental model". In less than two days, you should be ready for Theo's tutorial IMO
5knnbdwm14d ago
Okay, thanks.
Circus14d ago
@5knnbdwm Going in the inverse, I've only ever worked in React but will be soon working in Vue professionally. Would you have a tutorial to recommend into your world?
5knnbdwm13d ago
While i havent really looked into the documentation and Guides for Vue in quite some time. Peeking at the Guide and Tutorial on the official website ( they seem really solid. As they, in contrast to react documentations, are actually created by the Core Devs I strongly recommend using the Compositions API
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