SystemError [ERR_TTY_INIT_FAILED]: TTY initialization failed: uv_tty_init returned EINVAL (invalid a

I cloned create t3 app locally, then I tried to run it locally by first running pnpm install then pnpm dev:cli but I got an error (as shown in the attached image) I tried this on Warp, tmux, and bash in VS Code (as in image) and the behaviour was same, I have Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, I tried it on my friend's pc which has similar configuration and he recieved the same error as well.
ayuzz13d ago
No description
ayuzz13d ago
(ps. create-any-app is just the local name that I have given, everything is same just the has been modified and I also tried on completely untouched clone of t3 app and I was getting the same error)