"Weird" characters are visible in VSCode Git Bash terminal output (like this: `←[90m` )

Hello, fellow theoists! I'm watching a new video from Theo, and have an issue after running pnpm db:push command inside VSCode "Git Bash" terminal, in Windows 10. I see some "weird" characters inside of my console. The issue does not exist in Command Prompt terminal. I think the problem related to how git bash is interpreting something from this list: - [ ] ASCII escape characters - [ ] ASCII spacing characters - [ ] color codes for console theme 1) What is this ←[90m in the git bash console? 2) How to remove ←[90m from git bash terminal output? 3) How to hide this ←[90m, or how to make it invisible? 4) Can ←[90m be replaced with space? 5) I have never seen such characters before. Or at least I didn't notice them before, like never 😉
pnpm db:push
> t3gallery@0.1.0 db:push D:\projects\next\t3\t3gallery
> drizzle-kit push:pg

drizzle-kit: v0.20.14
drizzle-orm: v0.29.5

←[90mNo config path provided, using default path←[39m
←[90mReading config file 'D:\projects\next\t3\t3gallery\drizzle.config.ts'←[39m
[←[34mi←[39m] No changes detected
pnpm db:push
> t3gallery@0.1.0 db:push D:\projects\next\t3\t3gallery
> drizzle-kit push:pg

drizzle-kit: v0.20.14
drizzle-orm: v0.29.5

←[90mNo config path provided, using default path←[39m
←[90mReading config file 'D:\projects\next\t3\t3gallery\drizzle.config.ts'←[39m
[←[34mi←[39m] No changes detected
Theo - t3․gg
From 0 to Production - The Modern React Tutorial (RSCs, Next.js, Sh...
The Modern React Tutorial is FINALLY done. This one took awhile. Shoutout to ALL the awesome sponsors who made this possible: - Vercel - Clerk - Posthog - Sentry - Upstash NOTES I MENTION DURING VIDEO "Nextgram": https://github.com/vercel/nextgram/tree/main/app "useUploadThingInputProps": https://gist.github.com/t3dotgg/0464ca78e94acce80ba04ca...
Neto13d ago
git bash is just bad more over its the font not handling it well try with wsl or the default terminal
KO13d ago
I do not want wsl or default terminal. Theo is using VSCode in his native OS, which is MacOS, right? I want to do the same but for Windows to use git bash in VSCode Font is unrelated to the issue at hand. It is the ascii characters that are misbehaving inside git bash, I think. Because I changed the console font to 'Fira Code' or 'Consolas', it looks different (as it should based on installed font), but weird characters still persist inside git bash terminal. Why is it bad? I have been using it since I started to learn HTML, and it has been ok exp for me 🙂
Neto13d ago
then keep using it! mostly because its a emulation
TurnipSwagger12d ago
When I was using Windows, I always installed a console emulator (e..g ConEmu). It adds a lot of useful features to Git Bash. I would not be surprised if it can handle ANSI colors. An alternative is using zsh instead of bash (https://gist.github.com/fworks/af4c896c9de47d827d4caa6fd7154b6b)
Zsh / Oh-my-zsh on Windows Git Bash
Zsh / Oh-my-zsh on Windows Git Bash. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
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