17 Replies
It raises a SignalK notification for the specific alarm type.
Nothing happens. How to check?
You should see the alarm on screen.
You need to ensure alarms are enabled in the Freeboard-SK plugin

Yes, "Standard Alarms" is enabled. But nothing happens.
If I raise MOB alarm from GaladrielMapSK, then FreeboardSK react. It howls nastily and shows the message.
But I don't stop alarm from FreeboardSK.
Check the console to see if the request is being rejected due to authentication issue
FreeboardSK start:
But nothing happens at all when clicking on "RAISE ALARM".
You should be seeing more debug than that... Next line should be the loaded configuration.
Looks like the plugin is not starting correctly.
Ignore my last message... The rest of your post just came through.
Looks like the plugin is starting.
What happens if you post to /signalk/v2/api/notifications/mob
" It howls nastily and shows the message", but is nothing in the log.
The debug log?
It clearly working.
Ok. How to "raises a SignalK notification for the specific alarm type"?
signalk/v2/api/notifications/{alarmtype}..... but alarm must be one of the alarms defined in the SK spec...
But not by click "RAISE ALARM"?
Do you see a request sent to the server in browser devtools?

Try sending PUT request to
You should see something like this in the logs.

Error raising alarm: mob