Kinde4mo ago

work email verification

Hi, We have been using kinde for our applications and it’s awesome. Thanks for this wonderful tool. I just have a question if there is a way to only allow sign up access to work emails, like not the gmail ones. If the user is trying to sign in with a gmail (i.e. personal account), it should block the sign up process. Thanks in advance.
6 Replies
Daniel_Kinde4mo ago
Not yet, but its coming soon. You can register for updates here: https://updates.kinde.com/board/apply-domain-restrictions-to-sign-up-and-sign-in Is this a blocker for you currently?
Apply domain restrictions to sign up and sign in
Apply domain restrictions to sign up and sign in
niëmand4mo ago
Thanks much for your response, since we are building an enterprise application, We wanted to have this functionality, super cool you guys have it planned. I will work on a workaround for this till kinde releases the feature.
Daniel_Kinde4mo ago
Please let me know if can help you in any way with any advice
niëmand4mo ago
As a workaround, I was thinking about when someone signs in/ sign up, Call an api route which checks the authenticated user’s email and if matches personal domains, then log them out and show them a alert or toast. This is not an efficient user experience because they have to type in everything first. Anyways we can work with this for now. Do you have any other suggestions on this?
Daniel_Kinde4mo ago
Hi this would work well. What SDK are you using?
niëmand4mo ago