Railway4mo ago


Hi l, I have 3 independant projects in my Git repo which are mapped to 3 different service in a Railway project. I dont want a change to one project build and deploy other projects or services whithen same repo. Is that possible ?
4 Replies
Percy4mo ago
Project ID: eb3e87db-2f5c-4c3d-9382-bf66a4bc4e0c
Tuncay4mo ago
Duchess4mo ago
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Oh, I do this myself. I use "entrypoints" directory in root folder of the project. I then structure it like this:
├── dev_demo
│   ├── railway.json
│   └── run.py
├── graphs_server
│   ├── railway.json
│   └── run.py
├── __init__.py
├── log_viewer
│   ├── railway.json
│   └── run.py
├── dev_demo
│   ├── railway.json
│   └── run.py
├── graphs_server
│   ├── railway.json
│   └── run.py
├── __init__.py
├── log_viewer
│   ├── railway.json
│   └── run.py
Each railway.json has config for running its specific thing, usually it just runs the run.py in its folder but you can configure it depending on your needs. Then when deploying I go to settings -> config as code and put a path to that file, for example entrypoints/dev_demo/railway.json My config here looks like this:
"$schema": "https://railway.app/railway.schema.json",
"build": {
"builder": "DOCKERFILE"
"deploy": {
"numReplicas": 1,
"startCommand": "python -m entrypoints.dev_demo.run",
"restartPolicyType": "ON_FAILURE",
"restartPolicyMaxRetries": 3
"$schema": "https://railway.app/railway.schema.json",
"build": {
"builder": "DOCKERFILE"
"deploy": {
"numReplicas": 1,
"startCommand": "python -m entrypoints.dev_demo.run",
"restartPolicyType": "ON_FAILURE",
"restartPolicyMaxRetries": 3
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The "run.py" name got some weird formatting, but the idea should be clear :)
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Brody4mo ago
as long as the individual apps don't need to access files from the other apps the correct way would be to set the root directory accordingly in the service settings