How to prefill "First name" and "Last name" like we can do email with "login_hint"

We have a custom authentication page. So email/first name/last name are already curated. We are able to pass "email" via "login_hint" authUrlParam. Is there a way to also pass and prefill the first/last name ?
6 Replies
Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde4mo ago
Hey @lazy_manushya, What SDK are you using? What languages/frameworks are you using in your application?
lazy_manushya4mo ago
@Oli - Kinde Hi, query is regarding FE, I'm using React SDK. Using Typescript @Oli - Kinde Hi am I missing something in my response?
Daniel_Kinde4mo ago
This currently isn't possible, I have had discussioned internally about this, can I come back to you in a few days?
lazy_manushya3mo ago
Yeah sure , thanks. lmk @Daniel_Kinde any update?
Colin5w ago
@Daniel_Kinde Any update? I am currently trying to do the same thing in nuxt, this crashes the app as the user can go through the sign-up but does not have any name.
Daniel_Kinde4w ago
We have not added support for this yet, let me see if I can get some idea of timeframes.
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