Automatic compression programs to steal names

I was trying to transfer my unique name to my main account, only to be surprised that it was stolen and put in a guest account within less than a second. Then the thief linked the account, and after a week, my name was put up for sale. I am trying to communicate with the technical team and pass on the evidence of the crime, but for 12 days, the technical team has been responding with automatic messages despite the evidence and witnesses. A documented video clip of the thief committing the robbery!For your information, I used two phones during the transfer process
44 Replies
Who?4mo ago
The technical team keeps telling me about privacy, but they do not respect my privacy and that I own the name and I did not give it up. It was stolen from me and I proved it to them! I believe that the technical team allows cybercrimes even in the presence of evidence
ChiefChippy24mo ago
how was it stolen tho
Who?4mo ago
Use of third-party software
ChiefChippy24mo ago
i mean the moment u changed ur in-game name it's up to anyone to claim it as theirs
Who?4mo ago
ChiefChippy24mo ago
idk what u think would happen transferring a name like that lmao
Who?4mo ago
Not with cheating software
ChiefChippy24mo ago
also idk whatever ur using but that doesnt look like it's allowed
Who?4mo ago
What do I know about the failure of the technical team? Providing a system to deter third-party programs
ChiefChippy24mo ago
you yourself are using a third party program tho
Who?4mo ago
The thief sent me this clip. I do not use it, brother If I had used it, I wouldn't have lost the name, you smart one See this
ChiefChippy24mo ago
i assumed that clip is yours considering you sent it... you should be more clear when sending a clip
Who?4mo ago
Who?4mo ago
I already told you that the thief sent me the clip while laughing at me Is this allowed? They are gang my bro
ChiefChippy24mo ago
tbf in about every single game you have people trying to steal unique/precious names usually its not allowed (autoclicker etc) but devs dont care enough to act upon them just contact customer support also check this @Who? not the same issue but seems like they want u to complain on redddit
Who?4mo ago
I have been contacting them for 12 days with a lot of evidence that I provide. I have a private service employee with that technical team who continues to bother me by sending messages talking about the privacy of the account, but in return they do not respect my privacy, which was violated! I even submitted a request to punish the technical team that allows crimes like this without deterrence!
ChiefChippy24mo ago
ig they are not allowed to transfer names from an account to another
Who?4mo ago
My friend, do you think it is fair for you smoeone steal your name? Do you think your privacy has been violated or not? Especially since thousands of players know you by the name, and the player is also promoting the sale of the name, despite this strange silence from the technical team I am experiencing the highest levels of depression. I have not played for 12 days
ChiefChippy24mo ago
its not stealing the way they got your username isn't OK but they didn't steal it, a random person that happened to create an account at that moment could've gotten in on accident the important thing most likely is that technical support refuses to change names for one account to another regardless of circumstances if they said no they wont change their mind unless ur a big streamer or something then maybe but ig not so rip ig
Who?4mo ago
Okay, I will come with you. Why is this player offering the name for sale? Why has this player not played since he took the name? Why does this player use the same language as me!? Why did this player create the account two months ago?
ChiefChippy24mo ago
lmao it's a 1 letter name it's precious
Who?4mo ago
Yes, brother, it was a planned theft!
ChiefChippy24mo ago
same language? ig a lot of people speaking arabic ("that language") plays pubgm it wasnt planned theyve been wanting ur name since the start of pubgm probably and not only yours every name with 1 letter :laugh:
Who?4mo ago
I saw my name for sale for $2,500 five days ago In a channel dedicated to selling unique names How will a player who is just starting out put a name up for sale?
ChiefChippy24mo ago
yeah why do u think they were hunting for a one letter name its not a new player read what i said carefully
Who?4mo ago
This is why I am surprised by the silence of the technical team. This is a clear crime
ChiefChippy24mo ago
idk bro what u said about privacy matches with other games i never seen a single case of support saying "ok we will give u back ur name and ban whoever sniped your name"
Who?4mo ago
I think I was a crazy person when I thought I was going to use the name on another account..they caught me well.
ChiefChippy24mo ago
not sure if it's ur first time having a 1 letter name but it seems to be the case in every single game you'd have people spamming buttons to steal them lmao
오이 샐러드
I don't understand what are you trying to do here @delfin best best ekitten Clearly these guys are using some 3rd party software which is not allowed to gather unique name accounts and then sell them which is also not allowed. He's doing a right thing when he tries to report that
Who?4mo ago
Imagine, man, that I did not sell despite the offers. I respected the rules of the game, and what did I get in the end? They steal my name also
ChiefChippy24mo ago
im not saying him reporting is wrong im just trying to say support is probably not going to do stuff because as they said.... "privacy" whether the vendors get banned for using 3rd party software isn't my point
오이 샐러드
I would't call that stealing but they got it with the use of illegal tools
ChiefChippy24mo ago
its sad but at least next time you'll know not to transfer a 1 letter name :p
Who?4mo ago
Okay, but it's a crime! Lurking and waiting for a change so that they sell it to another player
ChiefChippy24mo ago
well the technical team doesn't think so look i alrdy told you to complain on reddit complaining here won't do much you'll get a better chance of getting some response by posting on reddit
Who?4mo ago
ChiefChippy24mo ago
best of luck nevertheless
Who?4mo ago
I hope so Could you send to me the link
Who?4mo ago
No one answere?
Lil hola kitty 🤡
Bcz there is no answer :smart:
Who?4mo ago
What a shame