Clicking noise on x/y axis travel

So, I'm new to Ratrig/Vcore, as I recently picked up a Vcore 3 for a very reasonable price. I'll start this weekend with really sitting down and making sure the printer is fully squared, then making sure everything's nice and clean and properly set. Anyways, in my initial testing of the unit, I've noticed this clicking during some movements, and it appears to be coming from the vicinity of the back right motor/roller assembly. My gut tells me bearing, but on a printer I'm not fully knowledgeable in, it could also be many super specific corner cases. Anyways, attached video of z tilt calibration. You can hear one click right at the beginning, then several clicks in rhythmic order a bit after that as the carriage moves from the second z tilt properly spot. I'd assume bearing or something wrong with the internals of the back right belt loop madness, but I'm hoping someone here could either confirm that, or point me in a more appropriate direction. Or, tell me I'm being insane and it's not a concern.
You can use a screwdriver held up to your ear as a kind of stethoscope to hear better where it is coming from
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5 Replies
Yeah, sounds like one or more bearings are starting to go
You can use a screwdriver held up to your ear as a kind of stethoscope to hear better where it is coming from
OldKingHamlet7mo ago
Yep, love that trick. First time my wife saw me do that with a car she stared at me, and when I stood up, just said "...the fuck were you doing?" If you have a minute, two other things to ask and see if I'm on the right track: * Heatbed mesh is iffy, and gets more pronounced when heated to 80c (.15mm min/maz variance at 15c to .3mm variance), with 0,300 being the lowest point and 300,300 the highest. I'm going to sit down and really square the frame as best I can, but last night I was watching the assembly, and I could see a bit of a bow in the rear z leadscrew. The bow was visible in the middle when the bed was at 0,0,15, and looked to be about 0.5-1mm inflection; more visible when moving but could be seen while still. Could this be a cause of the bed being slightly canted at the back, or should I look elsewhere? * I derped on initial setup. The memory card included had issues, so I put a fresh ratos install in, and I did not properly set the probe to use the bltouch cfg. I had a plate crash into the x gantry. This could have caused the bow on the rear screw, and I'll want to check any plastic for stress injuries, but my gut says this should not have caused much damage beyond that or bent the plate: it would take a LOT of force to bend 6mm of cast aluminum. But, if you're aware of this potentially damaging more than that, or damaging the plate, I'm all ears. Finally, if your aware of any great resources of the most common issues that I could just read and absorb, I'd like to know. I think the prior owner of this never quite "got it right". One of the front z arms was printed at home with PETG (with a visible amount of shrinkage on the print's z axis), and there's more than a few nozzle-etched lined in the build plate of common z axis and first layer tests. I'll be replacing the PETG arm with a more dimensionally accurate ASA prints and replacing the bltouch with a klickyng setup, as I hope those will help the experience as well.
I had a nozzle crash and it affected my bed mesh. Or so I thought, when I replaced that spring steel sheet it improved the mesh. I would check and make sure that it isn't the spring steel that got deformed and is now showing in the bed mesh
OldKingHamlet7mo ago
Yeah, will do that too. Seems simple enough to check: rotate the bed 180 degrees and see what happens :p
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