Lite version, scatter practice demo

I noticed that there are times I need to practice scattering again after a long time of having no subscription. As there are now tons of features and modifications. I would like to retain the comfort of having a good grasp of the actual workflow by using it without going back to tutorials. I know that its editor only, would it be possible that you can have a sort of playable demo project that we can practice the features with the ui with a certain asset or collection. But of course we cant do a build from it. Its just for practicing the scatter with assets. The other option was to have a light version but some features that are grayed out. But i think this is challenging as most things are needed. Hehe I was also thinking, for customers that have intermittent subscription ( xx months sub then break for xx months, then back gain, etc.) give a recurring few hours or x day pretrial before starting back again on the subscription to have time to praxtice again without using a day under the sub.
7 Replies
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Hey! Thanks for explaining your situation and giving the suggestions! Having some sort of demo would be cool, but right now I am not sure how that could work 🤔 We are planning on making some sort of Quick Guide, to make it very very easy to get into how the basic of Dash works! And regarding your last suggestions, good idea, but I think it would be hard to accomplish 🤔 But of course if people reach out asking for a trial day etc, we can fix it very quickly! So just let me know if you need that! :):
kanchu9573•10mo ago
AS PCGBiome is included in UE 5.4 as Plugins, you should take this seriously to integrate Dash production to save as preset or Biome whatever you called it. Otherwise any third party would take that seat and could make plugin where any static mesh will be placeholders to modify the template Biome.
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Hi @kanchu9573 do you mean that you think we should integrate Dash with PCG? If so, any specific ideas? 🙂 Or do you mean that we should also ship pre-made environments like those with PCGBiome so that people could experiment more easily? 🙂
kanchu9573•10mo ago
I actually don't know how Dash used to work with Unreal but my suggestion is that you may at least start to experiment with giving premadePCG like Forest, Water bodies, Hill etc. with placeholder in mesh entry and make a arrangement that user could use mesh from Dash Content Library with just drag and drop to the placeholder point. Then in future you could include full Biome for users.
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Thanks for the details! Dash is not actually using PCG in the backend at all, but our preset system could certainly be expanded to work like your suggestion in your future, thanks for the suggestion! 🙂
kanchu9573•10mo ago
Can you add some lighting preset like HDRI controller for exterior and light actor having a bunch of specific lights pointing to a object selected. As Light actor is just a dummy people can manipulate whole bunch of light at once with ability to manipulate each light individually. Such plugins are very common in Blender like Light manager. Better lighting, Lighter etc. and in Unreal I found Atlux Lamda which very costly and I'm unable to subscribe both Dash and Atlux same time.
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Thanks for the suggestion! Lightning is definitely something we want to add to Dash as it is an important part of most enveronments!

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