rp servers vw glitch

Bug Reporting
Bug Affect: How that bug can affect your game behavior?
is it in all servers: Yes [if its not, then provide the server IP]
Bug Explaination: What the bug do?
What Should be Happen: what should be happen if that bug not here?
I'm not able see player or enter property's it's happening in all servers

App Version: 13.5
CLEO & AML & MonetLoader: No [If its Yes, then provide more information such as whichever mods/scripts you're using]
Modified Game Files: No [provide the file name that you have modified]
Playtime: 0
Bug Affect: How that bug can affect your game behavior?
is it in all servers: Yes [if its not, then provide the server IP]
Bug Explaination: What the bug do?
What Should be Happen: what should be happen if that bug not here?
I'm not able see player or enter property's it's happening in all servers

App Version: 13.5
CLEO & AML & MonetLoader: No [If its Yes, then provide more information such as whichever mods/scripts you're using]
Modified Game Files: No [provide the file name that you have modified]
Playtime: 0
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