Uploadthing Image not showing up

I feel like I'm making some dumb mistake but hoping someone else will see the error in my ways 😅. I'm implementing uploadthing and have the upload portion of it working. After the upload I'm pushing the response into an array of images and mapping over them, with an <img> for each of them. For some reason the image is erroring out and not displaying. I have added utfs.io to the remotePatterns in my next.config, so not sure what else could be causing this since when I click on the URL that's assigned to the <img> in the DOM, it does take me the uploaded image.
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Ah ok, I had skipPolling={true} for my UploadDropzone, I didn't fundamentally understand what that was doing (I just thought, "oooh, this make app go brrrr"), once it was set to false everything is working as intended
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2 Replies
Kayn•4mo ago
This is what I have for the remotePattern:
protocol: "https",
hostname: "utfs.io",
protocol: "https",
hostname: "utfs.io",
When trying to use an Image component the following error throws in the console: GET http://localhost:3000/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Futfs.io%2Ff%2F6ab341bc-ff0c-4df4-bcd0-e509d9c790d2-qqfixy.png&w=256&q=75 400 (Bad Request) So if I make a change in my code after uploading an image, i.e. triggering a dom update is my guess on what's happening, the image actually shows up. Don't understand what's happening under the hood though
Kayn•4mo ago
Ah ok, I had skipPolling={true} for my UploadDropzone, I didn't fundamentally understand what that was doing (I just thought, "oooh, this make app go brrrr"), once it was set to false everything is working as intended
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