Nuxt4mo ago

Adding a third party script to Nuxt website

I'm currently trying to follow this guide: https://www.cookieyes.com/documentation/cookie-banner-on-nuxt-js/ I don't quite understand how to do the following: "navigate to the nuxt.config.js file at the root of your project, and add the CookieYes Installation code to the top of the head tag."
How to Add Cookie Banner on Nuxt.js Website - CookieYes
Learn how to add a cookie banner on your Nuxt.js website with our step-by-step guide.
1 Reply
harlan4mo ago
within your config you would do something like
export default defineNuxtConfig({
app: {
head: {
script: [{ id: 'cookieyes', src: '...' }]
export default defineNuxtConfig({
app: {
head: {
script: [{ id: 'cookieyes', src: '...' }]
their instructions are bad