User's first and last names are overridden when user logs in using Google
After user signs up using Google, their first and last names in KindeUser are pre-populated from the Google account.
I then go to the Kinde UI and update user's first and last names (these fields are not disabled after all, suggesting they can be modified).
If the user now signs out and logs in again, my custom set first and last names are overridden by the Google account's ones.
Is this expected? If so, why the first and last names fields in the Kinde UI aren't disabled?
4 Replies
I do believe this is intended functionality. Is there a reason you would want Kinde to ignore the names in Google and leave the ones you set?
I think it's fine to pre-populate the names on signup. But, if I set them manually later on (e.g. maybe I want to have Mike instead of Michael for the first name), I expect it to stay and not magically revert back to the Google value.
Why wouldn't you disable these fields otherwise?
Fair question and I will ask my team. We will get back to you soon. Likely Monday AEDT. Hopefully these issues are not show stoppers at this stage and we can help resolve them for you.
Found this toggle in Environment Details. Must be related 🙂