How do i load chunks
This is mostly a question. How do i get chunks loaded before i use LODs. Only chunks that are showing is that chunks where i already have been.
30 Replies
DH has distant generation, unless it errored out a lot it should be enabled by default
this distant generation is technically faster than chunky or any other generation method, but if you are gonna visit those areas later on you might as well use Chunky
Distant generation is not working for me
It is enabled but i don't think it is working
it may be slow
check oyur CPU usage
and what is your CPU preset in mod settings?
It is 100%
what's your CPU? form some testing it seems that 64 DH chunks can take 5-20 min depending on your CPU
Ryzen 7 5700x
that means it's working
with this CPU and aggresive preset it will take like 7min to generate 64 radius of DH chunks
What about balanced
10min I guess?
I don't see that chunks are getting generated
show me your F3 screen

you are flying quickly so what you actually visit has priority on processing
DH can't keep up, so it will not generate new chunks as fast

I need to stand for a time?
instant vistas to make screenshots is not to be expected
when walking on the ground it should be fine
but you are flying with elytra
also, stuff is being done

DH options -> debug -> debug wireframe menu -> enable visualisation of updates and generation to see what is happening
in general it is expected for the world to slowly fill in over time, as even on existing worlds, DH still has to process those chunks into our format
So i just need to wait?
and play normally, you don't have to force load it by flying around
disable shaders too
will not matter
I think i'm using supported shaders
will make your pc more temperature
so less efficient
only if using your GPU makes your CPU throttle
@Spacraven Do you still need support or can I close this issue?