Create Tile - Error

Hi, I've created a qBittorrent tile, when I click on it, it opens without http:// prefix, so it doesn't work. how can it be fixed?
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3 Replies
Cakey Bot
Cakey Bot3w ago
Thank you for submitting a support request. Depending on the volume of requests, our team should get in contact with you shortly.
⚠️ Please include the following details in your post or we may reject your request without further comment: - Log (See - Operating system (Unraid, TrueNAS, Ubuntu, ...) - Exact Homarr version (eg. 0.15.0, not latest) - Configuration (eg. docker-compose, screenshot or similar. Use ``your-text`` to format) - Other relevant information (eg. your devices, your browser, ...)
❓ Frequently Asked Questions | Homarr documentation
Can I install Homarr on a Raspberry Pi?
Yossi3w ago
Hi on qBittorrent settings go to web ui: check Enable clickjacking protection, Uncheck Enable Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection
Mobihen3w ago
You are the BOSS 🙂 Thanks