fresh Install Legion Go Boilr will not Start.

Can’t start boilr. Tried fresh installs with the gnome and ode versions. Both had the same issue. Any idea??
wolfyreload11d ago
What error do you get? Are you using the release from github or the flatpak. Looks like the flatpak one might be broken at the moment. If you are using the github one. Did you mark the linux_BoilR file as executable with chmod +x linux_BoilR?
SydeEffect11d ago
I did mark it as executable but I’m not getting any error. It refuses to open and doesn’t show a failed error. Also tried the flathub version with the same result. Installed manually and from the discovery store
wolfyreload9d ago
Weird I can launch it on Bazzite without doing anything special (other than the chmod +x linux_BoilR to make it executable)
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