favorite chambray work shirt with a decent collar under $200?
Preferred deets:
No slim fit pls
No classic spread, Italian spread, or button down collar
No western details except maybe the collar
No visible branding
17 Replies
What about vintage big mac? the 100% cotton ones are uncommon though
Got a ton, looking for something a bit nicer!
Engineered Garments work shirt
SJCBS22 Selvedge Chambray Shirt
we used the unique characteristics and advantages of selvedge fabric to create a shirt fitting for a denim brand. We’ve also carefully calculated how the puckering will turn out on this shirt by using different widths of fine and thick threads, considering needle movement, widths of the “W” stitches, etc. SJCBS22Lengt

Sorry to spam you but I’m also shirt shopping so I keep finding shit lol
What size are you looking for? Papa nui has a nice one for $100 but only available in small right now 22.5” ptp 30.5” length
The Warehouse ones are supposedly really nice if you can find them anywhere. https://hinoya.shop/en-us/products/3048-23
HINOYA Online Store
Lot.3048 CHAMBRAY SHIRTS(BIG YANK TYPE) "WAREHOUSE" reproduces a chambray work shirt based on vintage "BIG YANK" shirts. BIGYANK was born as a clothing brand for workers. It is famous for its patented original and innovative details for workwear from its early days and its many advertisements and efforts to differentia
Clutch Cafe
Warehouse & Co Lot. 3044 USN Chambray Shirt Indigo
Warehouse & Co have been producing authentic, high quality garments since 1995. Warehouse continue with their standard aesthetic and development of iconic, classic pieces that have served them so well over the last 25 years. The Lot. 3044 USN Chambray Shirt is a great example of a 1940's style U. S Navy issue cham
People seem to like the Buzz Rickson ones as well although the sleeves are too short for me. They go for more like $100 if you buy from Porkys on From Japan https://hinoya.shop/products/br25995?
HINOYA Online Store
Buzz Rickson's - Blue Chambray Work Shirt - BR25995
Blue Chambray Work Shirt 1950年代後半のシャンブレーシャツを再現した一着 セルヴィッジ付きの三角マチ付きのオールドモデルシャツ 旧式力織機で織られた生地らしく、生地は不均一にムラが生じ、ざっくりとした着用感 カラーは王道のインディゴ ミリタリーウェアらしく、同色系のボタン使用した質実剛健なデザイン ゆったりめのシルエット シャープな襟元は、ジャケットを着た時のアクセントになる コットン100% 日本製 モデル着用サイズ: L(身長180cm 72kg) White Chambray Shirt (BR25996-105) Size Chart Size表記 肩幅 身幅 着丈 袖丈 S 42cm 50cm
Otherwise, I like the Engineered Garments ones and the Big Yank ones (including the "new" repros). I'm a sucker for the cigarette pocket followed closely by the USN style pockets. I got both my wife and FIL the J. Crew chambray and I was pleasantly surprised by them too
Got one, looking for something a bit longer
Thank you!!
interesting, we must have different seasons cause I would consider mine one of my longest shirts
longer than this???

Hahaha that one’s a 1940’s big n tall one!!!
MS033 5oz Chambray Work Shirt
[Silhouette]A tight silhouette with an original pattern with a vintage motif.It has a neat length so that it won't get mottled even if you wear it with the hem out.[Fabric]5 ounces of original selvedge chambray woven on an old power loom is used.Uneven yarn is used to create a crude atmosphere.[Sewing]Adopts 3-needle back ring winding sewing fou...
not sure if this fits what you are looking for in terms of collar, it also has a tab collar with the two buttons
another option
Second Sunrise
Sugar Cane & Co. Vat Dye Chambray Work Shirt
Sugar Cane is a Japanese brand focusing on reconstructing the early days of vintage workwear history. The brand has roots that goes back to the 1950's but it wasen't until the late 80's that Sugar Cane started building the reputation for being one of the best denim makers in Japan and it is a well earned reputation the