What do we prefer between these two pairs of pants?
CDGH patchwork pants vs Anglan other pocket cord pants
There is a significant price difference between these, but would like to separate the cost from the equation

7 Replies
left 4 me
Two v different pants
I love the cdg ones, but they are going to be carrots compared to balloons
I think these are the same pants (although for some reason that product shot above does look pretty wide)

this model is taller than me, but they do look pretty short too

I can tell ya they'll be cropped. pry 27" inseam (or less with a big-big rise) big top block and a heavy taper but not the same as a balloon
anglans look more like conventional balloons
yeah, i think you're right
as much as I like the design I think the anglan is better
as a brown pants addition to the wardrobe
plus the CDG is $288 (from 720) vs anglan which is $55
plus the anglan pants fit the chic toddler aesthetic that im now chasing from seeing Shrimp My Ride's kid killing it