RatRig V-Core 500 'Blew Up'
Went to load filament for the first time and there was a huge pop sound followed by smoke. Upon investigation its the fuse blown. Are all the other components dead as well? How should I proceed? (Give me laugh emojis)
22 Replies
I am not official support in any capacity. But I would disconnect all the electronics power, then start troubleshooting from 220V-> your power supply, see if it outputs the right voltage (24V I think is stock?) with nothing else connected.
220V UK
I'd also probably contact them directly - sales@ratrig.com (not sure if that's support as well)
Thank you kindly for your response
i.e. isolate components. Do you have a multimeter to measure the 24V terminals?
Its all sourced parts
I don't have a multimeter but I can source one
It was the 15A fuse that blew. So hopefully everything else is intact
but have to wonder why it blew
I had it connected to an IEC plug that was 13A
Would that have any connection?
not sure
the IEC plug meaning the receptacle with a fuse?
if you're in the UK / 220V I believe you're pulling 1/2 amperage of us in the US (120V)
15 amp should be fine for 220v