Seeking help for home automation project on esp32

hey there guys, I am working on home automation with esp32 module with wifi and bluetooth. I have developed the model that will get the data from firebase in esp32 and control the home appliances such as lights and fans but I am new in this can anyone help me with this project i have this this problems as of now : 1. Once bluetooth and wifi is disconnected due to out of the range it will not connect when i am in the range automatically 2. how to give esp32 wifi userid and password through mobile of our home wifi. 3. I dont know how to implement this module for AC(Air conditioner). if you guys willl help me in this my new beginning it will give me more knowledge
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3 Replies
Umesh Lokhande
Hi @lucifer2615. following are some inputs - I suggest considering the ESP WiFi Manager library which gives access to the web interface from the browser to set the wifi name and password. Apart from this, there are other Apps like ESP SoftAP Provisioning, etc. - Controlling AC to turn ON/OFF can be done with a relay but to control core functionalities you can use IR transmitter connected to ESP32. So, your ESP can send control commands just like the ac remote instead of an actual physical remote. - reconnect mechanisms for WiFi and Bluetooth have to be implemented in code whenever your device comes back in range. I hope you will find this input useful. Best wishes!
lucifer2615.5w ago
thank you so much buddy just going to try your wifi manager library suggestion
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