Kiai Refuses to be Consistent about Roles

I run a ~200 member historical reenacting and collecting community, and I've been using Kiai to track levels since April because Atlas capped out at 10 roles. Unfortunately I have not had a very good experience thusfar. Even with the stack role rewards setting turned off, Kiai refuses to consistently award roles, or will sometimes remove a user's level role without awarding the next one, leading that user to be completely devoid of roles. The most common issue is Kiai not accurately awarding the role associated with the level. e.g: User ranks up to level 5 Level 2 reward is removed No reward for level 5 is added This has been going on since April. I have done two full setting/XP resets in an attempt to fix the issue but that has not made any difference. Server ID is 1070840101887815710 Ping me if you would like more photos or information to diagnose the issue. Thank you in advance.
Okay, I feel really stupid and I apologize for taking your time like this, but I realized that for some reason the XP system under Atlas was still activated even though I know I had deactivated it. So the real issue was that two XP systems were colliding with each-other. I disabled the other bot and so far I haven't had any further problems with Kiai.
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21 Replies
Shadowā€¢4w ago
@Elluvon I don't see a reward for level 5 in your server's data, was that just an example number or is something wrong there Just wanna be clear before i dig into this
Elluvonā€¢4w ago
I was using it as an example, sorry
Shadowā€¢4w ago
All good, just checking Pinging @net-tech- in to look at this, i dont see a reason why that should happen at a glance
net-tech-ā€¢4w ago
@Elluvon Do you have any logs of the audit logs where Kiai removes a users role
Elluvonā€¢4w ago
Perhaps. Iā€™m at work right now but I can send that when I get home
net-tech-ā€¢4w ago
All good if possible could you also send the ID of a user who this happened to
Elluvonā€¢4w ago
It was probably like half of them Like legitimately the problem was persisting for a long time with a huge chunk of my members
net-tech-ā€¢4w ago
just any of them will work in that case
Elluvonā€¢4w ago
I just did an XP reset recently so the audit log doesn't go back that far, but I do have an example because the problem happened today again
Elluvonā€¢4w ago
This member received the role, but then it was immediately removed. I had to manually add it back this morning because I noticed it was missing.
No description
net-tech-ā€¢4w ago
Immediately removed by Kiai?
Elluvonā€¢4w ago
Their ID is 832074993222287381 That's the only assumption I have because none of us removed it
net-tech-ā€¢4w ago
S: 1070840101887815710 U: 832074993222287381 Alright, I will definitely get back to you on this, I don't think we've ever seen this before
Elluvonā€¢4w ago
šŸ‘ Appreciate it
net-tech-ā€¢3w ago
Hey @Elluvon , just so you know I haven't forgotten about this. I am going to try setting the same settings you have in a test server so that I can see the problem reproduced
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