Help me dress like Bach or Mozart!
I have tickets for La Valse at the NY Phil on Halloween and I plan to wear a period costume. I'd like to dress like Bach—since he is my favorite composer—but I know that it's difficult now to find clothing in the style he wore without spending a lot of money. On the other hand, I could dress like Mozart, which would be a lot easier, since 18th century costumes can be had for cheap as long as you don't mind their falling apart after one wear (I don't). Links to costumes would be highly appreciated! Please help me annoy as many old people at the NY Philharmonic as possible!

2 Replies
I am not an expert on period clothing, but this shop which sells period clothing might be useful:
Darcy Clothing
Darcy Clothing | Official Website
Darcy Clothing supplies accurate replicas of men's clothing from C16th to 1950s. We use original patterns and custom woven fabrics for maximum authenticity. All items are kept in stock for immediate despatch.