Purchase issue
One of my teammates is unable to purchase uc by his card. The previous time he was able to buy uc . Rn he is using the same card but it always going to unsuccessful. From the bank side they say it's all ok from their side. Myb the issue is from pubg end. Can u please check
Uid 5303926252
Bank name :- Brack Bank (Dual currency supported)

Solution:Jump to solution
Hello, @Amenadiel! Please contact the in-game customer service for further assistance with purchase-related issues. You can contact the customer service through your Account settings using the Customer Service option located at the bottom.
7 Replies
It maybe the card got frozen.
Or insufficient funds
No all is ok. Able to purchase other things
It maybe the limit is exceeded to games.
But it's saying that myb its close card/ insufficient fr that contact with bank first time. Then they said its not issue from there side maybe issue from pubg. Able to purchase others in app things
I got this issue too
Wait for admin's reply
Lets see what is the issue.
Hello, @Amenadiel! Please contact the in-game customer service for further assistance with purchase-related issues. You can contact the customer service through your Account settings using the Customer Service option located at the bottom.