help me figure out the shirt n pants for this suit
i love this ziggy suit but i kinda am drawing a blank at what i like underneath. I think i like the darker approach but the footwear I'm pretty unsure about!! want something chunkier that is peasanty at the same time! the official ziggy styling has an identical shirt underneath which i kinda think is boring

14 Replies
I really prefer the lighter shirts with this, 1 and 3 especially
more yellows
Potentially relevant shoe inspo

+ the classic

a brown shirt could be poggers
Could work!
i have some hikers otw that im gonna try
eventually i want white tabi ...
I feel like u shud have white tabi
Doesn’t work, should sell… to me
Jk that’s suit is great
I like what kyn said maybe a darker brown styled like 3rd pic
I like the contrast of a darker shirt
What about a pale blue, lilac, or pink shirt? Pale yellow could work too
Give me a pointy toe
this type of beat
I think a lighter coloured shoe could also work for a tonal look
i feel like stuff from prof e would have a natural pairing with ziggy that you might draw inspiration from
these options for example cud b hot

That 2nd shirt 🤌🏽