how can i create this live art for my portfolio website ?
so mac os sonoma came with new Macintosh wallpaper and it's kinda awesome and i want to create it as a live background of my portfolio website.
something like this in video and every time someone refresh the website the colors will get changed.
so the question is which language i will have to use to develop this.
little bit bout me: i design (most of the time) and develop by myself (rarely) so not good with languages but now i'm learning so this will be a good challenge for me and a awesome project as this will be my portfolio website so it will help me to get a job.
thank you guys for help.
8 Replies
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oh thanks appriciate it brother.
If you have the video, you can maybe put it as a background video on the site, and then with javascript apply a css filter everytime they refresh the page, maybe
Might be pretty bad for performance though, especially on mobile but you'll have to play around with it
I have the video. But i want to make that by myself a different design or maybe text in that pattern and animation. If we use video then it will be slow and internet consumption will be high.
I don’t want that. So how can i make it from scratch and animate it.
There's also a big performance cost in animations too. But I'm not sure
As long as it has a custom design according to my portfolio i can work with that.
So how can i start ?
I don't know unfortunately, I'm not good about animating stuff