15 Replies
You practically can, but if you don't really need that bonus fps, I would say leave it as default
you can but imo it's not worth it
deefault only giive me 130-160 fps , i dont want
i want stable 200 or 165
The tests on yt with the same cpu are hovering around 180
Do u have 16 gigs or ram or 8?
i have t5 5600g adn rx 6600xt , with this combo im usreee i can gett 200-300fps
Hm u definitely should
but why i geet lowwer fps ?
btw my cinebench r23 score for multi is only 8355
not normal tbh , i seee in tech poweer up it normally 11k
Open task manager
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180-210 fps
Select cpu
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And ?
my ram is run on 2666 , it cant load xmp 3600
every time i load xmp , its always ram fail error
you need to do it manually with like 100-250mhz increments
wdym mannually
idk how
nvm i usee auto oc from adreenalin