santa hat to text how ?
1st image is BIG HAT for desktop mode and tab mode
2nd image is for Mobile mode.
how can i give this hat to this text ? i have export it as svg in two files 1 is big and second is smol.
this is for my own portfolio site as i'm still designing it so i want people to see that portfolio is under construction.

15 Replies
Can you not just have those images fully as images, not text with only the hat as an image? You can just use an alt text for people using screen readers.
If you want to do that, just change the image in a media querry that has the width u want for mobile
Wrap the 0 in a span and use position absolute for the hat
i didn't understand any of it
please use english
i have cold and my head is not working
I think this should work if you have 2 SVG-files. 1 for the big screens and 1 for the small screens. Obviously the SVG-files should contain both the text, santa hat and black background
snxxwyy solution will also work ofcourse
Can’t i do text as text and santa hat as svg ?
That is possible, just more effort
Ohh damn i understood this now
Please elaborate
So where to put hat svg ? Inside the span ?
U will need to do with the span, takes more effort in my opinion
you'll have to play with the width/height and top/left to fit your own svg
I use em-units so it scales with the current font-size

damnn thanks mark
you helped a lot
before i did this

why is there ?
An element with
is positioned relative to the nearest positioned ancestor. Setting position:relative
on the main element lets you position the pseudoelement relative to it; without it, it would be positioned relative to the root element, so it would be in the top left of the whole document rather than the span.that clarify's it
i appriciate it.
UPDATE : i finished that site and i will appriciate the help