NEED FEEDBACK !! on FONT & Sentence.
i finished that site and i will appreciate the feedback on the sentence and font selection as this will stay there for around 1 or 1 and half month as i'm looking for job and my cv contains the website labeled as PORTFOLIO so whenever someone see it they should get pleased by it.
PS: i don't know why i chose those typewriter fonts i thought they will look nice with black background. now i'm having second thoughts.
if you guys have another design that i should be inspired from please feel free to attach that and thank you π .

5 Replies
That font requires extra effort to read.
Any suggestions for fonts ?
not a designer but increase the font-size and center the text of "404 not found". maybe apply a margin-bottom aswell on it
i will take that into consideration.
This channel is for code-specific questions, what you're asking for is feedback. Feedback questions belong in #showcase with the feedback tag