I accidentally made complex portfolio design, i don’t know how i should develop it in css.
Design is quite complex as it has side bar (like index) and picture box takes half of the screen and there are lines dividing pages (part of design). Also it has two columns when i added 8 rows in that there will be songs and in other column books, i know i will have to use api for that.
Honestly i never worked this much on coding side as i mostly work on figma only. This is all I’m doing to get a job as a designer. So having a at least decent portfolio website is necessary.
I can’t show the design of the website as i directly designed it and for text i used my personal details so first i will have to replace them with lorem ipsum then i will show the design.
I’m little anxious that how I’m gonna complete the coding in 3 days maximum ‘cause then i also have work on other Shopify project. It is also design and coding using css.
Any help is appreciated. 🩵 I’m little scared.
‘I’ll attach the screenshot in this post in the morning it’s late now’
32 Replies
Sounds like css grid would be helpful. If you have specific questions you could make a wireframe of the layout, sort of a skeleton with boxes instead of your content.
15+ Skeleton Loading Screens Using HTML and CSS
Found on Google from codewithrandom.com
Yes that’s what i will do when i open my laptop in some time and share the design here. For better understanding.
here's the design

Okay can you be specific about what you need advice on ? Do you have a codePen or anything with your code for the layout thus far?
i just created html file
and will make mobile first css
If Figma is your specialty, and the jobs you are applying for are for Figma, you may want to comission a contracted dev on Fiver to code the site to look like your Figma. If you have to learn all of the dev skills needed to make modern complex layouts... then you may as well go into applying for dev roles by the time you've learned enought to deploy your working website ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When I did my portfolio, I spent 3 days doing the Figma, and 4 days coding it out and I was going for dev positions. If I was trying to show off my design skills and I wasn't a dev and I wasn't applying for dev roles, I would make like a squarespace or wix site to host my portfolio, and then include links to the Figma.
absolutely frontend would be nice. i was thinking bout it anyways and you sent this text. i know normal html css but this is quite complex i guess i need to work on layout and stuff.
yes figma is done working on the code so far chat gpt and youtube is helping. if i need some help i will add a text here for sure. it's a little confusing too haha
you should be able to whip up the majority if not all of this with flex and grid quite simply i think.
how can i customize the underline for text ?
this is the result i want to achieve when it is selected or hovered

when i do
i get it like this

only that section is white and when i did give that container color it looks worst

this is how it looks like

replace your li block with this and then tweak the left, top, background color, width, and height values to your liking. Pseudo element (
) is easier to position and control than the browser-defined "underline" text decoration:
You can also take off the transition if animations and design movement aren't your thing. If you like the animation but want to do another cool effect, you can try adding these lines too:

You can define the underline offset distance with:
it works thanks man i appriciate it
how can i make it like this when it is selected ?
you will probably need JS for that.
Something like this should work:
i don't have any
classYeah, he is saying to use JS to toggle to remove the
class from all of your links, then add the active
to only one clicked. Then include a css selector along with your &:hover { /*styles here*/ }
=> &:hover,&.active { /* styles here */ }
Its been a while since I've been using something other than the Blazor web assembly framework we use in prod, but just showing the HTML and styling I'd use is something like:
And then instead of toggling on the class list, you flip the attribute boolean value on aria-selected
okay i will try this, now i have a new problem
the my name and rest of the things won't go down

updated codepen
just add padding to the main container?

why space between isn't working ? ?
You are only defining a
property value in your header { /*styles*/ }
declarationOh I see you also have it on your
but that only has 1 direct child, <div class="wrap1"></div>
so a flex layout on an element with only one child doesn't make sense here. The justify content property doesn't cascade down to the grandchildren.
Sorry to sound negative but I'd use a low or no-code tool to make a page you can point to that isn't this portfolio from this design, but has links to your Figma layotus and wireframes. If you manage to pull this all off, you will be misrepresenting to the potential employer that you know how to do the dev work too and you're a bit of a ways off on a few fundamentals here to get it done in 3 days correctly
i created that wrap1 by myself it isn't from figma layout i will rename it
do so i will have to put
in some container ?codepen updated : https://codepen.io/kev00690/pen/zYgpNVV
the current issue is content of hero section is not staying down instead it sticks up. and now selection of nav bar is working but underline is not available.
it is late so i will be back tomorrow
note : this is an mobile first css.