AWM Is Single?
Why is there a "single" button on the AWM? That's dumb-

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Hello, @TheDamNZ! You may submit a report of this issue through community support form with your numeric user identification, a proper summary and description, and a video recording that can illustrate the issue you have encountered.
26 Replies
How is that dumb? Please elaborate.
What do you expect a sniper do?
1- shoot Auto.
2- shoot single.
What do you think the answer is?
So according to you, mentioning mode of fire is dumb, correct?
He's right that button shouldn't be there
Everyone knows snipers are single shoot guns
Answer the question first 🙏
Da question:
Did you forget mk14 has auto mode?
With all my knowledge and experience, the thing that sounds dumb is your question and this post.
That's not a "SR" Gun. That's a "DMR" Gun buddy.
You don't have knowledge and experience with PUBG sadly.
"Correction" First of all the mk14 and similar firearms aren't in the sniper rifle category, the MK14 is in the dmr category which stands for "designated marksman rifle" but here we are talking about sniper rifles not dmrs. Have a great day!
I was about to say that.. Have a great day fr
imaging auto AWM tho💀
There's a mode in WOW which has AWM on auto mode and shotguns without reloads.
Idk the name
You will be able to move seperately too :hehehe: :hehehe:
There used to be though. 💀
Hello, @TheDamNZ! You may submit a report of this issue through community support form with your numeric user identification, a proper summary and description, and a video recording that can illustrate the issue you have encountered.
Why do I need to do all these steps?.. It's literally 1 thing dude
Simple: why the snipers got a automatic/single button?
Issues should be reported in a proper manner so they can be reviewed and investigated by Tencent.
Might do tomorrow (which is today)
Or the day after tomorrow
dang i forgot about this
actually just forget about it since it dosent matter no more
Ur brain dead
That's not dumb
It's probably because they're implementing the auto AWM to the world of wonder maps to make it more fun and effective
But yeah it probably not true but hey
It's a theory
The Ben Stokes 😎 Theory 😎
For all who needs an explanation, This is an UI bug. Whenever you transform back from vampire/wolf, this happens. Not a big deal now sicne the season's already ended. @TheDamNZ
Same happened for shotguns as well.