How to make a fixed position element responsive
Hey guys, I'm trying to make the width of this searcg bar responsive to its parent but it does not work accordingly 😦 Any tips on how to get this done right?

4 Replies
You can't. A fixed position can't be responsive, as it's fixed. Why do you think you need a fixed position on this anyway? Shouldn't you just let it be where the browser puts it?
But I want it to stay on the top when scrolling down the list. How do I make that happen without setting the position to fix?
Have you tried position sticky?
In the "Try it" box select the last option and scroll the right side a bit to see how it works
Per the MDN docs:
The element is positioned according to the normal flow of the document, and then offset relative to its nearest scrolling ancestor and containing block (nearest block-level ancestor), including table-related elements, based on the values ofIt keeps the element where it "should be" regardless of the scrolling offset of the page. Another option would be to use flex/grid with search bar being in the top-most flex/grid cell and the main content of the page being in the bottom flex/grid cell with scroll enabled (and the parent flex/grid container beingtop
, andleft
. The offset does not affect the position of any other elements.
height: 100%;
or similar to get it to stretch the entire height of the viewport).I have npt tried position 'sticky'. I will try it now. Also thank you for the suggestion. If sticky does not work I'll try that aswell.