24 Replies
fix what..
Lobby looks perfectly fine
looks like everyone on the team struggled
nothing wrong with that
ngl i kinda posted this as a joke but also not rlly cuz the matchmaking kinda screwed me
plus if im not mistaken theres a specific matchmaking queue for rank up and de rank games so it just makes no sense in my mind tbh
It putted you in a team that matches your gameplay
there isnt thats just a community joke
honestly it just means that the irons on your team and the bronzes on the enemy team have a similar skill level according to the game. Theres really not a huge difference between iron and bronze, and it looks like your whole team just got outplayed including yourself
nothing to do with matchmaking, just not a great game for you or your team
MMR stuff.
yk , mmr iss suck
Idk man when i played everyone on the enemy team seemed competent for the skill level and the reyna and sova looked like they just picked up the game
Ur playing among the players on the lowest elo in the game
You will meet a lot of people that are not performing well no matter the rank
So is pretty common to play with or against people who looks like they just started playing
however that will not stop you climbing if you are good enough
Point taken, but like, you expect them to atleast know how to shoot
Valorant isn’t your first fps, right?
I'm asking this because when we move to different games, of course we'll expect our teammates to know how to play properly at the very least, but for people new to this gaming scene things can be a bit more hectic than they expect and they get confused about a lot of things
Ig ur right, the tilt be crazy tho

look at this matchmaking
how does it make sense
It’s completely ok?
Average elo is diamond 2
There’s plats with good mmr
And a ascendant with bad mmr
It happens, I won't lie that when I watch my low elo friends playing I feel anxious from seeing so many wrong plays and silly mistakes
What rank are u guys btw?
asc 2 peak immortal