ping problem
high ping problem in bahrain servers i used to get 57-62 ping on bahrain servers now im getting 77-82 ping ive had this problem for a few days and my friend is also experiencing this problem
30 Replies
@jidat sorry for pinging but can u help the game is literally unplayable i was in comp and i kept spiking to 150 200 500 the entire game
Not my thing rly
where are you from and what server(s) do you play on
can you also do ipconfig and show me the part that's called "default gateway"
india i play on bahrain
why not play on Mumbai?
cus i like bahrain better

ping -n 100
do that command
and show me a screenshot of the summary when it's doneit wont stop
its just going and going
Yea it takes a minute

okay so just to make sure the problem is ping spikes and not constant high ping?
its both
like when im not having ping spikes
its on 77-82 ping
whereas id usually get 57-60
ive been having this problem for a few days
but the ping spikes started today
alright, for the ping spikes it's a problem between you and your router
are you using a wifi extender?
can you use Ethernet?
wait no
one sec
icant use ethernet im on wifi router
how far away are you from the router?
not too far
its in the living room
im in my bedroom
you can try to switch to 2.4ghz wifi
but why
i never had this problem b4
and my friend is having this problem too
she also plays from india
so ik its not a wifi issue
2.4 is slower but it's better for longer distances
do they have only higher ping or also ping slikes
its the same situation as me
we started getting ping spikes today
and we both have a different isp
its not a wifi issue
well the ping spikes are local
ping spikes can be solved later
the high ping is the main issue
and for the higher ping to Bahrain you can try contact your ISP to get ticket with AWS
alr ill see
theres no immediate solution for now?
idk you can try — The free app that makes your Internet faster.
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you should also try restarting your router and atleast try 2.4ghz
the ping spike fixed itself high ping didnt