Regional Hacker, Playing duo still unable to get chicken
Hacker - Exception, ban permanently .
Ban this mf for 10 years, check the video evidence and full gameplay, mass reported in game.
Hacks used - no recoil, esp box color radar, auto aim fullrooted device paid hacks.

Solution:Jump to solution
Please submit cheater reports through Or #cheating when the channel reopens.
26 Replies
hacker id: 52103788854
Omar is also not banned, i will file a law suit if hacker is not banned and post negative reviews on google and app store.
another hacker squad, mass reported in game

KD - 12 , hacker ban permanently
Nvr hacker, check forum and ban permanently im tracking every hacker who killed me
pubm devs, i want updates on these hackers, ima elite investigator and penalized more than 1 K hackers
hacker id: 52214258807
bastard hacker, he will def perma ban modified game file as I'm not able to spectate him ez
What's wrong being a rooted device?
I'm rooted device and I don't see any suspicious on it
You think pubg care about that? :LOL:

Thanks pubg devs
told ya all my reports are legit af, its easy to crackdown cheaters
ur an idiot
you lost a right hand peek in CQC
anyone semi-good at the game is going to hit their shots that close, especially since you didnt strafe or drop-shot
thats not auto-aim
youre an idiot
your teammate was looting a crate out in the open. thats not wall hacks
he can easily hear your footsteps which is why he knew u were there
seems like a crybaby report to me
cry more..
more reports in bound
@ibeta he will cry more
nobody is crying im delighted to ban sweaty people from the game. go play roblox kid
indeed dude, i have full video clip of cheaters
exception hacker krafton devs ban ip hard
being sweaty isnt a bannable offense, idiot
Next time after get killed by some hacker try to record some of his game Play. Then post that video & death reply video. It will be helpful for pubg to identify and ban them
i did, even posted on cheaters forum but some random bot yasmin considered its not a cheat while they are clearly hacking. i will take this matter to krafton head to conclude that game is biased as cheaters continue to ruin pro players game experience
all my reports are legit asf
Post that video here
stop the yap
nab unable to get chicken even with x ray vision, his whole teammates had xray and no spread
You can clearly see the pre fire lmao
more reports inbound
i wont be posting any videos up here cause there is no action on my prev reports i will directly report in game and if required i will fill the google forum to ban cheaters. discord bot is useless

Pro player never settled down to crack down cheats
do u realize that footsteps exist
thats not even the dude in the clip u just sent
let the dude report why are you bothered as if its was you who is afriad to get banned
it's simple if you aren't hacking despite the mass report you won't get banned
Please submit cheater reports through Or #cheating when the channel reopens.
This is false information.
cuz people find excuses for being bad at the game
what is?