18 Replies
100% hacker
look at time frame of rep

this guy is a joke krafton remove this kid form leaderboard.
review his full gameplay as i was the last survivor in the game which is recorded in the clip
ban this cheater permanently for 10 years

i pulled out his account pls review and ban

there is no data
bronze lol
Please use the in-game report system to report suspected cheaters.
The UID is different
lmao, banning people for throwing a legit nade is crazy 😆
Nab read above it was the only survivor, he killed everyone with x ray vision
188 matches, 2040 elimination, KD - 10
rip hacker
Pubg devs another hacker spotted

x511 xray vison ksa player
mass reported in game
he knows the exact position after knocking me out i was self reviving behind the bush out of no where this mf came in and killed me with x ray vision
more reports in bound
pubgm has the highest number of cheaters in the world
codm has better anti cheats
Activision still better
Sometimes theres people better than you
Don't say that, you'll hurt his ego.😊
Ain’t nobody better than me hacks won’t be counted
Lets see