Creating a JupyterLab instance
It might be simple, but I can't get a JupyterLab instance going.
The goal is to spin up an AWS EC2 instance. I can do that with VSCode without issue.
I add the module from here but get a few errors on launch -
Then I see this doco and it seems to be what the module is meant to do?
Can't get that working either.
I suspect I am confusing the above doco and just using the module incorrectly and mixing it with the vscode out of the box template.
Code below
Overall a end to end template would be nice. Happy to put one together once I understand it better.
JupyterLab - Coder Registry
A module that adds JupyterLab in your Coder template.
Web IDEs and Coder Apps - Coder Docs
Add and configure Web IDEs in your templates as coder apps
4 Replies
Help needed
Please post any relevant logs/error messages.
Error message from user data -
Hi. Your
is missing the auth argument.
I would suggest starting with the template from here:
This already has the jetbrains-gateway module configuredGitHub
coder/examples/templates/aws-linux at main · coder/coder
Provision remote development environments via Terraform - coder/coder
hey @Chris2pi, any luck?