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Air-gapped Kubernetes Coder Set-Up

There will be 2 separate kubernetes cluster, in the same subnet, one to deploy coder and the other for user workspaces. In such a set-up, will I need to have a reverse proxy (like NGINX), or can I simply have a DNS with SSL/TLS, that points to my Coder's ingress IP directly? How will the difference in the set-up impact speed / latency / performance of coder_apps?

Not able to create a workspace using kubernetes devcontainer template

Using k3s and helm, I have setup the cluster. While creating a workspace using kubernetes devcontainer template i am getting this error,...
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Coder proxied access to Docker Engine docker.sock

When running Coder as a container, is it possible to redirect Docker socket access to a tcp:// connection to reduce root privilege threat exposure instead of a volume mount?

How to use coder_parameter to force_rebuild docker images?

Hi there, I saw this in the docs: ``` data "coder_parameter" "force_rebuild" {...

Limit workspace CPU and memory resources

Configuration Coder v2.19.0 self hosted, Terraform 1.9.8, DinD with Sysbox current

Slow and unreliable workspace connections when running Coder on multiple kubernetes clusters

Hi all, we have the current setup of: cluster A: Running coder server cluster B: Provisioning target for Coder Workspaces, configured as outlined in this document. In this configuration, Workspaces provisioned on Cluster B are so slow to access over Coder that they are unusable. However, if we provision workspaces on the same cluster that the Coder server is running on (Cluster A), workspaces perform as expected. ...

Docker in Docker does not work with docker devcontainer template

Hi, i want to run docker in docker in a devcontainer but docker does not work. When using envbuilder standalone it works:...

Coder Workspaces Stuck in Apply Complete

After updating to the latest 2.18.x release, we're seeing the following on coder workspaces (custom kubevirt template) ``` null_resource.start_vm[0]: (local-exec): Waiting for VM to start... null_resource.start_vm[0]: (local-exec): Waiting for VM to start... null_resource.start_vm[0]: Still creating... [30s elapsed]...

How to modify an current coder running instance to accept domain wildcards?

So hello, I was modifying some of my templates to include the modules that coder have, like "File Explorer" and "Jupyter" but after updating then I cannot click into the app button. I did some research around what would be the problem and I did find out that I need to have a parameter for wildcards into the running coder server. ( I'm not findind the way to update a current running coder server to have these paramters without losing data....
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Problem with high latency in Workspace

Hi everyone, I'm experiencing high latency in my workspace and I'm looking for ways to reduce it. Could anyone provide some insights or suggestions on why this might be happening and how I can improve the performance? Thank you!...

Just to need to confirm the behaviour of CODER_BROWSER_ONLY

I suspect I know the answer to this, but is the intended behaviour of the CODER_BROWSER_ONLY envvar (--browser-only flag) to prevent port-forwarding to webapps running in my engineer's workspaces?

Fallback host

Hi guys, I have 2 bare-metal servers which located in 2 different location. I want to make one a coder's primary server and when it down, the secondary will online and I can continue and restore my work....

HMR not working

hello i have a docker compose project using coder. it run and build properly but it seems that hmr is not working? I use sveltekit / vite for my webapp thank you for any help

How to run an sample angular application on a code-serve ?

The Coder is installed on a Kubernetes cluster and a workspace with an angular application code is ceated. How to run the angular application on a code-serve environment? a sample angular application when trying the ng server command ui is not loading

Devcontainer hanging in Coder instance

Our coder instances are hanging when pulling images, tried with internal and external images and both are hanging when extracting layers.
status_code=500 latency_ms=279 response_body="{\"message\":\"An internal error occurred. Please try again or contact the system administrator.\",\"detail\":\"API key couldn't update: fetch object: sql: no rows in result set.\"}\n" request_id=40f44f34-abc4-4fdd-8d64-f3759b9ee5f0`
status_code=500 latency_ms=279 response_body="{\"message\":\"An internal error occurred. Please try again or contact the system administrator.\",\"detail\":\"API key couldn't update: fetch object: sql: no rows in result set.\"}\n" request_id=40f44f34-abc4-4fdd-8d64-f3759b9ee5f0`

In the pricing model, what is defined as a user?

I saw that part of the pricing model is on a per user basis. I want to be able to create workspaces for external users, for example as a demo or part of my application's service. The external user would not be creating workspaces themselves or manage them in any way, I would take care of that. Would having said external user access a workspace count them as a user for purposes of the license?
A license seat is an account with it's status as active (i.e. not suspended or dormant), so no. If that external user is accessing the workspace via a coder_app (where share is public) or a publicly forwarded port they wouldn't consume a license seat.

How do you move/ transfer a simple self-hosted Coder setup to a new server?

I don't have a lot on my Coder server - a few templates (easy to transition) but mainly due to my ignorance of how Coder works under the hood and lack of familiarity with Terraform, I'm struggling to find how to move or if I can move my Coder server to a new server. Mainly concerned with my Workspace persistent storage I would prefer to transfer over the workspace instead of rebuilding the workspace. Still learning about how to set up the template correctly so that transfers are less of an issue. OS: Linux -> MacOS Workspace in question is a Docker container, started from the example template....
the data is stored in ~/.config/coderv2

Building template is stuck queued

No builds for templates have been done for the past day or two but when I tried to update a template and build it is stuck queued with no progress
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DB Latency

Hi everyone. On our Coder instance, we've been experiencing Coder-DB latency that triggers disconnects on workspaces. I believe we have an overload of database operations that are flooding postgres. The usual log we see is this: `2025-01-23 18:47:21.790 [info] coderd: disconnected possibly outdated agent workspace_id=xxxx agent_id=xxxx request_id=xxxx ... error= fetch object:*querier).GetWorkspaceByID.fetch[...].func1 /home/runner/work/coder/coder/coderd/database/dbauthz/dbauthz.go:522...

Devcontainer starting is taking really long / multiple times building the Dockerfile?

Hi, I have created a template from the starter "Docker (Devcontainer)" one and just selected home assistant for testing purposes. Creating the workspace takes really long and from the logs it seems like its building the dockerfile multiple times? Is this intended?...