Air-gapped Kubernetes Coder Set-Up
Not able to create a workspace using kubernetes devcontainer template

Coder proxied access to Docker Engine docker.sock
How to use coder_parameter to force_rebuild docker images?
Limit workspace CPU and memory resources
Slow and unreliable workspace connections when running Coder on multiple kubernetes clusters
Docker in Docker does not work with docker devcontainer template
Coder Workspaces Stuck in Apply Complete
How to modify an current coder running instance to accept domain wildcards?

Problem with high latency in Workspace
Just to need to confirm the behaviour of CODER_BROWSER_ONLY
Fallback host
HMR not working
How to run an sample angular application on a code-serve ?
Devcontainer hanging in Coder instance
status_code=500 latency_ms=279 response_body="{\"message\":\"An internal error occurred. Please try again or contact the system administrator.\",\"detail\":\"API key couldn't update: fetch object: sql: no rows in result set.\"}\n" request_id=40f44f34-abc4-4fdd-8d64-f3759b9ee5f0`
status_code=500 latency_ms=279 response_body="{\"message\":\"An internal error occurred. Please try again or contact the system administrator.\",\"detail\":\"API key couldn't update: fetch object: sql: no rows in result set.\"}\n" request_id=40f44f34-abc4-4fdd-8d64-f3759b9ee5f0`
In the pricing model, what is defined as a user?
(i.e. not suspended or dormant), so no. If that external user is accessing the workspace via a coder_app
(where share
is public
) or a publicly forwarded port they wouldn't consume a license seat.How do you move/ transfer a simple self-hosted Coder setup to a new server?
Building template is stuck queued

DB Latency
Devcontainer starting is taking really long / multiple times building the Dockerfile?