Help with react carousel
Hey is someone here good with react carousel libraries?
I need to accomplish something like this with the non focused cards in the carousel being stacked be under the focused one. I tried the one in shadcn but that got me nowhere.
TLDR. What do you use for Carousel? && Is this achievable ?
A carousel with motion and swipe built using Embla.
Solution:Jump to solution
<div className="relative mx-4 max-w-[1050px] flex-[0_0_80%] transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out"/> ...
<div className="relative mx-4 max-w-[1050px] flex-[0_0_80%] transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out"/> ...
3 Replies
Check out pile layout or looper machine
Chrome for Developers
The Pile Mini Web Machine
The Pile is a CSS and HTML mini web machine that enables easy and powerful element layering, like how a discard pile or dog pile work, last in is on top. This layout mini web machine replaces many use cases for position absolute, offers keyword alignments, optional z-index management, no container collapsing (i'm looking at you container with ab...
Chrome for Developers
The Looper Mini Web Machine
Introducing Mini Web Machines, where we dive into small groups of code that drive rad user experiences. This debut episode showcases The Looper, aka a radio group.
Copy the code →
The Looper roving UX →
Cyclical radio group →
Radiento bento group → https://go...
Thanks I'll take a look
It looks cool but I don't think it solves my issue
This is how i solved the issue