Best way to find deranking parties?
Im in a competive rank higher then my irl friends, and im unable to play with them due to the rank difference, whats the best way to find deranking parties, i feel too guilty trying to solo derank
14 Replies
you can make a new account to play with them iirc
grinding to level 20 takes too long
i can usually play 2 games a day and itll take too much time
Given your names are you arab
no its a guild name
That long
Anyways you can’t Derank, if you try to on purpose, you team will report you and you’ll prob get banned
yeah, i need a party whos fine with that
You can 5 stack with your friends in any ranks
dont have enough friends willing to play for that
that sounds depressing let me reword that
its better for us to play with people we know
? You won’t find anyone willing to derank like that 😭
ive seen a handful of people running deranking parties
rare but possible
the last post about actually deranking in there was around 15 hours ago
Yeah but those are pre queued